Sunday, June 19, 2011


IN islamabad, the pakistani government approved of a joint ISI-CIA led taskforce to engage in sharing intelligence.  Yet, the government has refused the visa applications of their US counterparts.

It is clear that there are factions within the Pakistani ISI that support and operate in tribal areas with diplomatic immunity.  The only intellegent sharing happens to be when the Pakistanis tip off bombmaking factories before the so called 'raids'.  The pakistani armed forces actually ask permission before even entering certain tribal areas.  

The CIA asking the Pakistani armed forces to politely raid bombmaking facilities, clearly isn't working. A policy of identifying the facilities and asking permission is not exactly the US/CIA strongest quality.  It is at least evident in the media outlets that the internal leaks have identified targets on multiple occaisions that have been well aware of upcoming raids.  It was a good thing we did not use this policy before nabbing Bin Laden. 

Pakistan has always been insecure about its sovereignty with INDIA and used the tribal areas as a hedge against its fierce competitor. Will future terrorist attacks within the country change this view?  Or will extremist groups provide more hope, jobs, and opportunities for the youth of Pakistan? how much evolution is resisted before the step in the wrong direction turns to be catastrophic? 

A focus on economy, jobs, education and opportunities for the youth will yield the best return on invested capital.  

A war has never been won on a battlefield and lost in the economy at the same time. 

Human rights have never been won with diplomacy. 

Human rights are lost when economies are destroyed.  People who have nowhere to turn, usually find outlets on the extremes to vent their frustrations.  This happens in developed and undeveloped economies, equally.  Exhibit A, Oklahoma City Bombings.  

Government policy should take the following factors into consideration when attempting to evaluate the sovereignty of a nation:
- unemployment rate
- infant mortality rate
- regime structure
- economic output 
  - inflation
  - gdp per capita
- Healthcare/disease control
- water quality
- percent of homes with electricity
- percent of homes/land with running water
- military capabilities
- do they control their own territory efficiently? 
- overall happiness  

Many of these measurable outputs are psychological factors that affect a country's future path.

ap news sources

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